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Some HVAC businesses are knowledgeable about installing and servicing boilers, and some are experts. One way to spot an expert is to ask if the company holds an R Certificate of Authorization from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. HB McClure has held this certificate and corresponding R symbol stamp for the repair and/or alteration of boilers, pressure vessels, and pressure-retaining items since 2015 when we acquired Worden and Shewell along with their extensive industrial boiler expertise. To receive and maintain the R Certificate, HB McClure submits to a thorough inspection of our quality system, which includes providing evidence of our knowledge of welding, nondestructive examination, postweld heat treatment, and other repair or alteration activities.  The R Certificate is an important distinction in the Harrisburg and Your communities we serve because it demonstrates our commitment to the quality and safety of our boiler products and services.

To learn more about the R Certificate of Authorization, visit