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Choose these System Enhancements to Improve Comfort & Save Energy

Programmable and Wi-Fi Enabled Thermostats

Benefits: Reduce energy costs and improve home comfort by managing your Programmable and Wi-Fi Enabled Thermostats heating and cooling systems remotely.

Consider it when: Remote access to your heating and cooling systems will help you improve comfort and manage utility costs.

Programmable Thermostat – Save as much as 10% per year on heating and cooling bills by automatically turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting. Control your heating or cooling system from any computer, Smartphone or tablet. Easy-to-use app for Apple and Android devices streamlines access. Accurate to +/- 1°.

Home Temperature Zoning

Benefits: Improve comfort and reduce energy costs by controlling the Heating and Cooling Temperature Zoning
temperature in individual rooms.

Consider it when: You want to reduce energy draws associated with little- or under-used rooms. Home temperature zoning is highly effective for homes with multiple levels, rooms with large windows, large open areas, rooms with exposed concrete, or those with areas that prove to be difficult to keep warm or cool.

Honeywell TrueZONE ® Zoning Panels – Easy to use, contractor-installed zoning panels allow you to manage up to 4 zones, 3H/2C systems.

Download HB McClure’s Convenience & Technology brochure.

USB Outlets Benefits

Benefits:USB and electrical options in one outlet.

Consider it when: You have devices around your home that require USB charging.

Solution:HB McClure will replace your standard outlets with convenient USB outlets, so you can enjoy access to both USB and electrical options throughout your home.

Contact HB McClure to schedule a Residential or Commercial estimate, service, or fuel delivery appointment.

Save Money, Get Healthy with HB McClure

HB McClure offers a variety of services designed to help homeowners improve comfort and reduce costs. Learn more about our enhancements such as:

Safety and Protection

Water Softening and Hot Water

Fuel Oil | Propane