Fuel Oil Plans
With HB McClure, you can choose the fuel oil payment plan that works for you and your budget.
Smart Pay
Never get a surprise high bill again with this option that lets you make even, monthly payments throughout the year. Calculated based on your previous usage, the payments are predictable and ideal for budgeters and planners.
Smart Pay Plus
This option ensures that you never pay more than a predetermined amount per gallon, capping your cost even if prices go up. If prices drop, you pay the lower price. Even better, you don’t have to be on a Smart Pay plan to take advantage of the price cap, though many customers choose to include it.
Pre-Buy with Price Cap
Buy your fuel oil in advance with this option, locking in a pre-season price that protects you from price spikes. One of our home heating experts can help you determine your pre-buy amount based on historic usage and local weather patterns, and you make a single payment for your total amount. Need a few additional gallons? Don’t worry; you can buy more later at the same pre-buy price if you need them.
Just as it sounds, this plan lets you pay the current market price for your fuel oil at the time of delivery with no minimum purchase obligations. You can switch suppliers at any time without breaking your contract, too, though all prices are subject to market fluctuations.