January is a time for New Year’s resolutions, most of them health-related. People are vowing to hit the gym more often, change their diet, or remove stress from their lives. But people overlook another way to improve their health for the New Year: talking to an HVAC contractor.
You’d be surprised at how much your home’s HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems can affect your health on a daily basis. Here’s how you can team up with a professional to improve the health of your family while also creating a healthy home environment.
One of the fastest, easiest ways to boost your immune system, complexion, and energy level is by drinking more water. Experts recommend drinking at least 9 to 13 cups of water a day, which can also curb hunger and help you lose weight.
But if you have hard water in your home, you might be wearing it instead of drinking it. Hard water has a high concentration of minerals that cause unpleasant side effects—scaly, dry skin; dull, limp hair that feels filmy; clothes that get more stiff and brittle every time you wash them. Not only is hard water gross, but it’s also expensive. It could lead to serious repairs down the line, not to mention the money you’ll waste on using more laundry detergent per cycle, moisturizes, and shampoos that don’t fix the real issue.
Have a professional test the water in your home. If it’s hard, they can install equipment like water softener, filters, or sterilizers that could save you money and greatly improve your health.
Getting healthy isn’t always about physical improvements—mental health is important, too. A great way to change your mindset for a little while or even blow off some steam is by starting a new home improvement project.
Completing a home project from start to finish is empowering, so take a look at some of these DIY ideas that you could take on in 2017.
If you need help or guidance with a DIY project for 2017, reach out to a contractor that can handle your installation, plumbing, and electrical needs.
One major aspect of staying healthy in the new year is avoiding risks like the flu, colds, or any health complications. The air quality in your home is a great place to start.
First, get rid of the dry winter air in your home by taking advantage of a humidification system. By keeping the air moist and warm, you’ll be one step ahead of colds, headaches, viruses, and dry, cracked skin. Humidifiers can even help you get over common winter illnesses faster, and if you snore or have trouble sleeping, humidifiers can be especially beneficial to getting a good night’s sleep.
You should also think about your ducts. Dander and allergens are regularly pulled into your ductwork, and if your ducts aren’t cleaned properly, all of that bacteria could result in mold spores, mildew, and fungus in your ducts. Air that passes over those contaminants could make you sick. Have your ducts cleaned by a professional during your yearly tune-up.
Finally, air purification systems can also go a long way in preventing common winter illnesses. These systems use ultraviolet germicidal light in order to kill harmful bacteria that you might otherwise be breathing in every day.
If your home has a fossil fuel source or a fireplace, it should also have carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas that can be lethal if not caught quickly enough. A CO leak can occur when a furnace, stove, water heater, generator, or fireplace is not venting properly or is being used in the wrong way.
If you do have CO detectors in your home, check their expiration dates. Keep in mind that infants, children, and the elderly are at a higher risk for CO poisoning and require detectors that pick up on small amounts of CO in your home. Have a professional evaluate your monitors and fuel-burning appliances to keep your family healthy and safe this year.
Take advantage of these tips to start 2017 off the right way. An HVAC contractor can help you with water quality, DIY projects, air purification, and staying safe from toxins like carbon monoxide.
At HB Home Service Team, all of our contractors are happy to help you improve your health in the New Year. We provide service for homes in Camp Hill, Carlisle, Dillsburg, Enola, Harrisburg, Hershey, Hummelstown, Mechanicsburg, Middletown, New Cumberland, York, and surrounding Central Pennsylvania areas. Call us at 717-232-4328 or request an appointment online.