3 Tips to Avoid Costly Winter Plumbing Leaks

It isn’t uncommon for temperatures to drop below freezing during the winter months. When this happens, it can put your home’s pipes at risk for freezing or cracking, which can result in costly leaks. Let’s look at three things you can do to avoid pipe damage this winter.

1. Have Your Pipes Inspected

Perhaps the best way to prevent pipe damage when the weather turns colder is to ensure that they are in good condition heading into the winter season. At HB Home Service Team in Harrisburg, we can take steps to ensure that your pipes are free of cracks or other imperfections. We can also take time to detect any leaks that may already exist and remedy the problem.

2. Keep Your Home at a Consistent Temperature

Keeping your home at a consistent temperature during the cold season can help prevent pipes from cracking or leaking. It may be a good idea to have your home’s furnace and thermostat checked to ensure that enough warm air is being generated to protect your pipes from freezing. Pipes can also be kept warm by wrapping heating tape on them. This tape will serve as a layer of insulation that can prevent serious problems during times of extremely cold weather.

3. Keep the Water Running

When the weather gets cold outside, it can be a good idea to let water drip out of the faucets. This will allow the water to keep moving through the pipes instead of freezing inside of them. If you believe that a pipe is cracked or about to burst, shut the water off immediately. Doing so can help to contain the damage and afford an opportunity to get the water out of the system before damage occurs.

If you’re looking to protect your pipes this winter, give us a call today. HB Home Service Team in Harrisburg is here to help. We also offer heating and cooling installation, repair, and maintenance as well as water conditioning and purification, carbon monoxide detection, smart thermostats, and back-up generators.

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